Friday, August 3, 2012

30 day draw-a-thon. Day 3: The Demon of Dasehra

say hello to Ravana!
so i've been listening to this new mars volta album a lot. in one song he repeats the word "Dasehra" over and over and it's wonderful, but i'm white so i had no idea what it meant.

i looked it up and it's a religious festival in India. they construct giant models of this multiheaded mustached dude and set him on fire. there's a whole story about Ravana and his sons being defeated by Rama and the forces of good, but i'm not gonna pretend that i was inspired by that. i just love creepy dudes with 9 heads and a mustache.

this drawing was a little more ambitious than i intended for these daily drawings, so the pencils will count for 1 day and the ink and color can be separate days.

also i have no scanner at home. so i will draw, but not post, over the weekend and save em for weekdays.

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