Monday, October 18, 2010

bearicatures series 3

laura, erik, melissa, and myself.

melissa is the first bear with a ponytail. eventually, i'm going to run out of ways to make dark haired chicks with glasses look different.

sorry for the lack of comics this month. but there IS a halloween special completed. won't post it until next week. i plan on posting this month's comics in bulk this week to make up for lost time.

and of course more bearicatures.

oh and if you don't like you're bear, or have suggestions about how to change your bear, that's awesome. unfortunately, it won't make a difference because i'm too lazy to make adjustments.

and i haven't forgotten everyone else who wants a bear. it'll happen. i'm trying to do them in the order they were requested.

except for the one i did of myself. i did that because i'm selfish. me first.

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